Finding Peace in the Midst of Anxieties

I woke up at 4:30 am today feeling very anxious. My mind kept thinking about situations that triggered my insecurities and it caused me to re-visit my past moments of hopelessness and defeat. I began questioning my self-worth in Christ and I felt discouraged that I was struggling with these kinds of thoughts again.😳

I couldn’t go back to sleep, so I decided to wait for the sunrise instead. As I stared at the ceiling, I prayed to God and shared what was in my heart. He then reminded me to look back on God’s faithfulness in my life and start thanking God for the little and big things. I ended up reading an old entry from one of my journals and I came across Psalms 90:13-17. Verse 14 struck me! It says:

“Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.”

At that moment, I felt the Lord re-assure me to keep my eyes on Him — the only One who can truly satisfy my heart. Even if I was feeling anxious, insecure, and worthless at 4am…

It was also an opportunity for me to choose Jesus and be satisfied in Him and His unfailing love. Not only in the morning, but in ALL the days of my life.đŸ™ŒđŸŒ

I went to our veranda and sat beside the window overlooking the sunrise as I listened to Mallary Hope’s song entitled “Me”. In a few minutes, the Lord displayed a playful sunrise right before my eyes. My family was still sleeping (even our dogs) and it was such a beautiful, peaceful, and re-assuring moment between me and my Heavenly Father.đŸ„° I thanked Him for the anxieties that woke me up at 4am because it led me to having that humbling morning with Him.

Despite not being a morning person, I was able to organize my gardening tools, remove weeds from the container beds, prepare my breakfast, cook ginger tea for my throat, and sang more songs to the Lord. I remember telling God a while ago, “Why do I feel this way, Lord? I have peace and joy and in my heart now, compared to when I woke up! I’m actually smiling now, as I boil ginger in water!” And He immediately reminded me of Philippians 4:4-7. By God’s grace, He made those verses very real in my life this morning and I am even more encouraged to continue abiding in Him and in His Word.

Anxieties may still linger in the coming days or even decades. But, in the midst of these, I am learning that we have a constant, faithful, and loving God who is graciously available 24/7 for us. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can also surrender our thoughts and emotions to the Lord and be victorious over them! He tells us to rejoice in Him always, to be gentle, to not be anxious, and to pray in every situation with thanksgiving! And as we obey, His peace will guard our hearts and minds indeed.

Thank You, Jesus!

Is There Anything that’s Troubling You Today?

Hello there! :)

Thanks for dropping by. I’ll be posting about my next food treat soon, hopefully tomorrow (Tuesday), since I am currently working on a special project. But, before you go, I’d just like to share one of the verses that deeply encouraged me this past week.

It says in John 14:27:

“I am leaving you with a gift — peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So, don’t be troubled or afraid.”

I just love how God emphasized in this verse the fact that the world can never give us the gift of peace that God gives. It reminds me so much of the security that I/we have in Christ… and not in the world’s applause or our own achievements and comfort.


This verse amazes me because it shows how Jesus still had peace despite his situation. At that time, He knew that he was going to leave His disciples soon. He also knew about the suffering that he was going to face. (Four chapters later, we see Jesus being arrested already.) However, in spite of the pain that He felt and the situation that He was in, He was still able to honor God with his obedient heart. Moreover, He was able to comfort and guide His disciples before He left earth.

“Why was Jesus able to do these things??” I asked myself.

And God helped me to realize that it was actually pretty simple. JESUS HAD PEACE. That was it. He had peace knowing that His Father still is God. He had peace knowing that His Father’s love for Him will never change. And, He had peace knowing that His Father was in control of the situation He was in. The peace that Jesus had wasn’t based on His circumstances, it was based on who God is. :)


Is there anything that’s troubling you today?

Find peace in the presence of God. Rest in who He is.


Encourage yourself one treat at a time. :)

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About Me

My name is Nicole Obligacion and I started this blog because I was inspired by Hebrews 10:24 and Hebrews 3:13. I love to eat, cook, bake, read the Bible, and encourage. :)

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