Worth Melting For

There’s a certain glow in a person’s heart when it’s his or her birthday. For some reason, when we celebrate our birthdays, we experience a different kind of joy, peace, and contentment throughout the day. We tend to smile more, radiate positive vibes around us, give more, worry less, and the list goes on.


Last week, I celebrated my 23rd birthday and interestingly, God allowed me to experience indescribable peace that day even if I had to finish chores at 5:30 in the morning, only had 2 hours of sleep, and was late for work because of the first two things I just mentioned. It was actually a very good day for me and I thank God for it.


For my birthday treat, I brought some of my favorite desserts to the office: dozens of Krispy Kreme doughnuts and fresh strawberries. I usually bring plain strawberries to the office whenever we have extra at home, but this time, I decided to coat them in white and semi-sweet chocolate for a change.


While I was at Cooks’ Exchange, I asked one of the staff members where the chocolate for melting/dipping was. He pointed to a number of baskets filled with various chocolate bars and chocolate chips. Then, he said “Ma’am, since you’re melting chocolate for strawberries, I suggest that you use chocolate bars instead of chocolate chips, because the bars were made for melting and the chips were made to retain their shape in baked goods.”


And so, I bought bars of white and semi-sweet chocolate and melted them at home using a double broiler.


Although it took extra effort to carefully melt the chocolate and dip the berries in it, I really enjoyed making the chocolate-covered strawberries because it was amazing to see the chocolate quickly harden and take the shape of the fruit.


As I was preparing the sweet treats, I realized that the chocolate really needed to go through the melting process in order for me to have chocolate-covered berries.  If I wanted to make this dessert, I couldn’t just shred the chocolate bars and press them on the fruit. The chocolate bars needed to change its form to liquid so that it can stick to the fruit, which would then result to my desired dessert.




Somehow, God reminded me that in the same way, Jesus needed to go through his melting process too (suffering, pain, sacrifice, and resurrection) so that we can experience an intimate relationship with God for eternity. Only Jesus was destined to do so.

Romans 5:8 says “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”




This gentle reminder comforted my heart that night (which was the night before my birthday) because God used it to reassure me of His indescribable love for me. And as I celebrate my 23 years of existence in a world where pain, uncertainties and discouragements are also evident, I am reminded to place my security and hope in the One who knows and loves me the most – and that is, Jesus. :)


Thank You, Jesus, for another year with you. Thank you for going through the melting process for me and for reminding me that because of Your grace, I am worth melting for. Only a love like Yours can make my heart glow. Only a love like Yours can motivate me to live each day for You. :)





Encourage yourself one treat at a time. :)


Bake Something Beautiful

Two Sundays ago, I decided to use my Raspberry Artisan KitchenAid mixer for the first time. I knew that I wanted to bake something beautiful because I was grateful for the new investment that I had. And at that moment, baking something beautiful meant doing these three things:

1.) Making a Raspberry-Vanilla cake

2.) Including fresh Raspberries in it, and

3.) Frosting it with Raspberry Buttercream icing shaped like roses.

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I really enjoyed experimenting in the kitchen that day. Because of the freshly baked cakes, our kitchen smelled like sweet vanilla! Moreover, whipping the buttercream frosting was a breeze because of the KitchenAid mixer.



However, I did struggle with frosting the cake because I didn’t have much time to let the icing chill in the refrigerator. This resulted to a softer cream which made it difficult for me to pipe roses out of it. After frosting half of the cake, I started to get discouraged because it didn’t seem pretty at all. And at one point, I even told my sister “Maybe I should just smudge the icing on the cake and make it look like an abstract design.”



I placed the cake in the refrigerator and took a break for a few minutes. A part of me really wanted to smudge the icing, but somehow, I felt like doing it would be a waste of resources because I had a purpose for it. In spite of the discouragement and the cake’s flaws, God allowed me to see the beauty in it and He encouraged me to continue frosting the cake.



And so, after 10-15 minutes, I got the cake from the refrigerator and started to pipe roses again. The amount of icing was just enough to make three layers of roses and the extra fresh Raspberries that I had were lovely toppings for the cake too.


By God’s grace, I served the cake to my family after dinner and they genuinely appreciated it! They said that it looked pretty and it tasted good. Woohoo! (Thank you for being so supportive. :) )


This experience reminded me of three things:

Inspite of our weaknesses and struggles,

1.) God never gives up on us.

2.) God sees the good and beauty in us.

3.) God is constantly at work in our lives.

I realized that many times, it would be more convenient for us to complain and to give up when things don’t go the way we want them to. But, I’m learning to continue doing my best as I put my trust in God because He definitely knows what He’s doing in our lives. And in His perfect timing, I know that He can make beautiful things out of our weaknesses too. :)


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6

 Encourage yourself one treat at a time. :)

He Knows Our Heart’s Desires

After more than a decade, God made one of my dreams come true! I finally have my very own KitchenAid Raspberry Ice Artisan mixer! :)

I really praise God for this lovely treat because for the longest time, it has been my heart’s desire to have and use one whenever I bake. Although I knew that it was way over my budget and it wasn’t a necessity, I just admired the thought of being able to conveniently and accurately whip up batches of cookie dough, cake frosting, meringue, and many more.



Interestingly, however, some of my officemates reminded me a few days ago of my desire to have a KitchenAid. I just laughed at the thought and said the usual: “Hahaha. Eh, I don’t have budget for that.” But on my way home, it got me thinking. I then told God: “Lord, is it actually time for me to buy one? I mean, I know there’s a really big sale this month, but do You really want me to get one? Please make it clear.”


The next day, I assisted my boss with one of his clients’ inquiries regarding KitchenAid mixers. It was cool because while I was coordinating with the KitchenAid department, I had the opportunity to browse through the available mixers on sale and I instantly fell in love with the Raspberry Ice mixer. I then asked the person-in-charge if she knew how many Raspberry Ice mixers on sale were still available. And she said: “We only have one left in the warehouse. If ever, you have until tomorrow to reserve that item.”

By faith, I immediately smiled and said, “Kindly reserve that last stock for me.”



I was still hesitant about the idea, but somehow God used my dad to confirm my decision when he picked me up from work that day. On our way home, I told him about the sale and the possibility of me getting the item. I then told him about how God has been graciously helping me to save more money since the start of this year. But, I also said that I was still having doubts about it.

At first, I thought that my dad would say: “Wow. It’s so expensive. I suggest that you don’t buy the item.” But surprisingly, he showed interest in what I was sharing and said: “What’s holding you back? Go!” And at that moment, my heart skipped a beat and I felt so much peace afterwards.



The day after that, I thanked God for the opportunity, got the item, and showed my new baby to my family!

I appreciated this treat so much because it reminded me of how amazing and perfect God’s timing really is:

  • Last November 2012, God taught me the importance of being content and grateful in the kitchen, even if I didn’t have a KitchenAid mixer. (https://encouragingtreats.com/grateful/)
  • Early this year, God challenged me to save money. By His grace, I was able to improve in this aspect and have extra money for this KitchenAid.
  • He made the last Raspberry Ice (which is very similar to my ultimate favorite color: fuchsia) mixer on sale, with a very huge discount, available for me.


Psalm 21:2 “You have granted him his heart’s desire and have not withheld the request of his lips.”

Thank You, Lord, for this awesome, AWESOME treat! I pray that You would use this to be a blessing to others as well. You truly know the desires of our hearts more than we do. Thank You! :)


Encourage yourself one treat at a time! :)

Joy that Lasts

Some of my friends from college hosted a Mooncake Festival at their lovely home today. It was a fun event because we were able to spend time with them, enjoy the Dice game, win prizes, and experience the privilege of being invited to their place. Because of their family’s generosity, I went home with awesome treats! I won a bar of Twix, a set of Simpsons stationery, and a pack of Hershey’s kisses with almonds.

Playing the Dice game
Playing the Dice game

On my way home from the event, I stopped at an intersection and saw two men, who looked like they were in their late 20’s, resting at the sidewalk. One was carrying the other on his back because the latter couldn’t walk – He had really thin and weak legs. When I saw them, somehow, I was encouraged by God to give them food. So, I quickly looked around to see if there were any biscuits in the car. But after searching, I couldn’t find any.

By God’s grace, just a few seconds before the traffic light turned green, I saw the pack of Hershey’s kisses in my bag, opened the window near the passenger’s seat, called the attention of the two guys I saw, and gave it to them. I will never forget the expression of the man’s face when he received the pack of Kisses. I saw his face light up as he held onto the chocolates. And I saw him look at me and say “Salamat.” (Thank you.)

Angel, Aldwin, and I with our prizes! :)
Angel, Aldwin, and I with our prizes! :)

Two seconds later, the traffic light turned green and I drove straight ahead, leaving the intersection. My heart melted as the moment flashed back in my mind and I said “Lord, thank you for that. It was a blessing to give to others and to see that man enjoy the treat.”

I then continued to think about that experience and wondered if those two men knew God. As I continued to drive, I felt the burden to pray for them and I said “Lord, I saw how joyful the men were when they got the pack of chocolates. But I know that those Kisses would only last for a few hours or days. I pray that you would also allow them to know You more, have a personal relationship with You, and experience the Joy of knowing You. Because You alone can give us joy that would last forever. Thank you for Your love for us.”

Thank you, Pendoza family! <3
Thank you, Pendoza family! <3

It says in John 15:9-11: “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.  If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.  I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”

It was my first time to participate in the Dice game at a Mooncake event and I honestly didn’t expect to win anything. But, because God graciously blessed the family who hosted the party, they were able to bless me and the men on the street as well. Thank you, Lord, for simple joys and moments with You. It was and it will always be an honor experiencing You and Your joy in our lives.

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About Me

My name is Nicole Obligacion and I started this blog because I was inspired by Hebrews 10:24 and Hebrews 3:13. I love to eat, cook, bake, read the Bible, and encourage. :)

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