MCDONALD’S TWISTER FRIES IS BACK! :D I noticed that each year, McDonald’s purposely limits their supply of twister fries. I can say that this has been one of their most effective marketing strategies because, by producing less, they actually increase the product’s worth.
Last Thursday after work, I went to McDonald’s to have some quiet time (it was something that I needed) and I saw that they were selling twister fries again! At first, I didn’t want to buy it because it was more expensive than the straight-cut fries. However, I eventually bought it because I knew that it was going to be available only for a certain time.

As I was enjoying my twister fries, I started to talk to God about how my week went so far. I was telling Him how ashamed I was to actually go near Him because for the past week, I wasn’t really able to spend much quality time with Him (compared to the time when I was still unemployed).
I told God: “Lord, You know what happened to me this week and how I’ve chosen not to prioritize you at certain times. I just feel that it’s not right for me to lead people to sing to you tomorrow at Friday Night Light (FNL: young singles ministry of CCF Makati). Would you please speak to me because I don’t know what to do.”
I got my journal and Bible and I started to spend more time with God that night at McDonald’s. I apologized for the things that I’ve done that week that did not please Him and I asked Him to change my heart. I also said to Him: “I don’t know how I’ll be able to encourage others to worship you tomorrow…

…But, right now, I’m reminded that if you want me to sing and serve, you will allow me to. I’m reminded that this isn’t about me and my weaknesses. It’s about who You are to us, Lord; how gracious you’ve been.” I read Psalm 95 and it encouraged me to keep on singing for God not because I am equipped to sing, but because God deserves all the praises and glory. He deserves to be worshipped. :)
I then got my earphones and listened to “No Shame” by Moriah Peters (It was the song that I was going to sing the next day).
“I hear what you’re saying at the end of the other line.
What you said you’d never do again, you did it one more time…”

Interestingly, while I heard these first lines of the song, I noticed the similarity it had to the continuous loop seen in the twister fries that I was eating. Paulit-ulit yung pag-ikot ng fries. In the same way, I remembered my continuous loop of disappointing God in the things that I’ve done and in the things that I wasn’t able to do that week.

I started to feel more ashamed. “I’m not worthy to serve You, Lord. I just can’t.” I said. But, what happened next surprised me and touched my heart deeply. As I was getting twister fries from my box, I saw a J-shaped twister fry! WOW! But, what fascinated me more was seeing that french fry at exactly the same time that this line of the song played in my phone:
“But mercy longs to reach to us. In the arms of Jesus, there is no shame…”

Without a second thought, I knew that God was using it to speak to my heart and encourage me. Seeing that “J” reminded me of only one name, and it was Jesus’ name.
It was amazing how God placed that “J” fry on my box of twister fries that night. It was His way of telling me that even though I’ve disappointed Him; I’ve failed Him again and again; and I’ve chosen not to prioritize Him that week, His love for me never changed and it never will. He reminded me that He has already forgiven me and that His grace will always be enough for me.

The next day, as my sister and I were on our way to CCF Makati for Friday Night Light, I was sharing to her my experiences that week. I told her this: “Ate Michelle, I guess God still allowed me to sing and serve Him tonight at FNL because it was His way of letting me experience GRACE again. Grabe si God noh?” :’) It is a privilege to sing to God. It is something that I do not deserve and yet, God still allows me to sing and serve Him in ministry. What a gracious, gracious, gracious God.

I sang “No Shame” that night and led the people in FNL to worship God along with two other volunteers. IT WAS ONLY BY HIS GRACE.

I just want to thank You, Jesus, for showing Your grace to me this past week. But more than that, I want to thank You for the amazing grace that you’ve given all of us when You took our place; died on that cross many years ago; and saved us from the penalty of our sins just so we could spend eternity with God in Heaven. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Thank You, Jesus, because You know our hearts and needs. Thank You because You meet us where we are and use us despite our weaknesses. I pray that we would continue to have the desire to know You; spend more time with You; and love You more and more each day. You deserve it, Lord! :)

“You have rescued me
You took a wretch like this.
You loved me and You saved me.
With all that’s within me, I will bless You Lord.”
-“Dominion” by Citipointe
Encourage yourself one treat at a time. :)