THURSDAY TUNE #8: Center of It by Chris August

“Today is not my day.” I’ve heard myself murmur this statement a lot of times a while ago because I made mistakes at work. Although these mistakes weren’t major ones and my colleagues were very gracious to me, I was still bothered by my carelessness today.

While I was on my way to the restroom in the office, I found myself singing one of my favorite songs when I was younger: “’cause you had a bad day. You’re taking one down. You sing a sad song just to turn it around…”

Photo taken a few years ago

And somehow, God caught my attention and reminded of the verses in the Bible that I read before going to work. It is actually my “life passage”:

It says in Proverbs  3:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

And it hit me. I saw how I was so concerned with myself that I forgot about God and His character. I was giving in to the idea of having “bad days”, when in fact, there really are no bad days because of God’s goodness.


I thought to myself, “Why am I so disheartened? I made mistakes and I can’t turn back time and change what I did. But, by God’s grace, I know that I can learn from them and improve more in the future.”

I realized that there really was something wrong with the statement: “Today is not my day.” because it’s really not about ME. :)

Right then and there, I thanked God and confessed about how I chose not to trust in Him in those simple moments. I thanked Him even for the mistakes that I’ve made because I know that He can still use those to help me grow as an employee and be excellent for Him. :)

On my way home, I decided to change the song that was playing in my head to “Center of It” by Chris August. This song encourages me a lot to remember that God’s character never changes no matter what situation we are in. He is and will forever be good and faithful. :)


If you have the time, listen to this tune:



Encourage yourself one tune at a time. :)

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