Four years ago, I had a special breakfast with my dad at our house in Cainta. I don’t know if he still remembers that moment, but, it was a time I will never forget. I was eating a boiled egg, bottled tuyo, tomatoes, and rice when my dad joined me at the dining table. While he was getting rice, tomatoes, and a boiled egg, he said to me: “Wow! Nicholas, this is special breakfast. We have rice. We have tomatoes. And we have chicken. Mmmm..”

“Hahaha. Chicken. Daaaaad. It’s just egg.” I replied while giving him a poker face. I knew that he was just kidding, but somehow, that simple remark encouraged me to appreciate our breakfast too. When he made that comment, he probably didn’t think that it would make a big impact on me, but it did. It has positively influenced my heart, my thought life, and even my spending habits.

By God’s grace, even after that time (months and years later), I’d learn to see the good and to be grateful and content in every situation. When I would struggle with contentment and when I would be tempted to compare myself to others, God would use that special breakfast to remind me of God’s goodness, provision, and faithfulness in my life. And instead of complaining, I’d be encouraged to enjoy who I am in Christ and enjoy the things that He has blessed me with.
“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”– Proverbs 22:6

So, thank you, Dad! :) Thank You for being such a great example of a man whose heart is content with God. I praise God for how He has molded you into the man that you are now. I pray that you would continue to walk closely with God as you lead our family. May He bless your heart and hands even more as you serve our Heavenly Father.

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” –Philippians 4:12

‘Til our next special breakfast! ;) I love you, dad!
Encourage yourself one treat at a time.