25 Things About My Dad

Dear Dad,

Today is the day! Happy 25th! I mean, 55th birthday! HAHA. I hope you’re enjoying your special day despite the rainy weather. I thank God because we get to have an extended rest time at home with you today. I pray that God would bless your heart even more as you walk closely with Him each day! We love you! :)

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” [Joshua 1:9]

Oh, and because 55 is quite a special number, I wanted to document 55 facts about you! But, I guess for now, 25 na lang muna. Hahaha.

Here goes!

25 Things About My Dad

1. Dad is an Ophthalmologist, an EENT (Eyes-Ears-Nose-Throat) doctor, a Pastor, and a Christ-committed follower.

Dad's free mug from Discovery Hotel, Ortigas.
Dad’s free mug from Discovery Hotel, Ortigas.
Dad - second row from the bottom, third guy from the left side.
Dad – second row from the bottom, third guy from the left side.

2. Some of his favorite food are kimchi, durian, buko sorbet/macapuno ice cream, potato salad, and sansrival cake.

3. He was part of Kundirana (High school music group) when he was still studying in La Salle.

He's the one wearing the white outfit in the middle.
He’s the one wearing the white outfit in the middle.

4. When we call his name at home, he usually responds with a high-pitched voice saying “yeah?” and then clears his throat and says “yeah?” using his normal, low voice. Haha

5. Dad and Mom have a special whistle. They whistle whenever they call each other from afar.

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6. Dad loves music. While we were growing up, He let us listen to songs sung by Frank Sinatra, Natalie Cole, Don Moen, Papuri, Windsong, and a lot more bands, artists, and musicals. He also taught my older sister (Michelle) how to play the guitar and sometime later, my sister taught me how to play the guitar. Yay! Haha.

7. Dad lost 25 pounds (I think) two years ago and he is still able to maintain his weight.

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8. He always likes to tell corny jokes. -__- Okay, sometimes, they’re funny. Haha.

My dad's conversation with my sister, Michelle, via SMS.
My dad’s conversation with my sister, Michelle, via SMS.

9. When I was in the second or third grade, I drew a parrot and he posted the drawing in his private clinic. Love it. It looked something like this. Hahaha. Thanks, Dad!

I drew this just now using Paint. hahaha.
I drew this just now using Paint. hahaha.

10. Dad’s a good sport. Sometimes, he lets the dogs stay on their bed and he lets us take photos of him wearing silly hats and Krispy Kreme donut masks.

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11. He loves animals. No wonder we love them too!

Dad and our pomeranian, Copper.
Dad and our pomeranian, Copper.

12. He encourages us to sing as a family during Christmas, even if we usually don’t feel like doing so. Dududu. HAHA. Peace, Dad!

13. Whenever we would eat fish and have fish bones stuck in our throats, he’d gladly take them out using his special scissor/tweezer-like tools. Yay for our throat doctor!

14. He initiates bible studies at home and conversations over dinner.

15. He sincerely loves his parents and my mom’s parents. And of course, the rest of both families.

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16. Dad taught us how to do the L.A. walk.

17. Sometimes, he randomly makes animal sounds/sounds you here in the jungle when we’re at home. (e.g. eerie sounds; sounds of exotic birds, vultures, etc.)

18. He gives random words of wisdom.


19. When our house was burning down last 2004, he instructed us all to go out of the house while he stayed a bit and tried to extinguish the fire using buckets of water. But because the fire was quickly spreading, he decided to leave and get the car out of the garage too, just before the roof fell on the floor. Hooray for our brave Daddy-O! #grace

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20. He personally taught me how to save money and be content with what I have. I wrote more about these values HERE.

21. His favorite duet song with his brother is “The Way You Look Tonight”. They sing this song every time we have a family event.

22. Dad is always to the rescue! (e.g. when the car breaks down, when we suddenly need a ride home from a party, when our house in Cainta got flooded during Ondoy, etc.)

Car 101! Photo c/o my sister, Michelle.
Car 101! Photo c/o my sister, Michelle.

23. He loves spending time with Jesus and sharing Him to the people around him.


24. When he plays with our two dogs, he sometimes says “Moo” to them with a deep voice. Because he actually sounds like a cow when he does this, our dogs usually tilt their heads and end up getting confused.


25. He gave us (kids) unique nicknames:

Camille – Camiling

Glenn Michael – Miguelito

Michelle – Mishow

Nicole – Nicholas

Gabriel – Gambrelli.

Haha. He calls mom “Darl”, which is short for Darling. And we, kids, refer to him as The Polar Bear.

Photo c/o my sister, Michelle.

Encourage yourself one treat at a time. :)

THURSDAY TUNE #24: Only A Mountain by Jason Castro

“Dream big. Put God before you. You never know what His plans are. In my story, I had these dreams of music, dreams God put in my heart. But when I became ‘above’ God, my life was a mess. And when I put God at the front, not knowing where I was going, feeling like I had just given up my dreams, God brought them back bigger than I could have ever imagined.”

This was the last statement of Jason Castro in the video below. He shared his testimony about God’s goodness in his life and how God graciously changed his heart and lifestyle for His glory.

I watched this video a few minutes before midnight last night and I was reminded of Matthew 6:33 where it says: ” But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

It was encouraging to hear how Jason Castro still chose to surrender, seek and obey God in the midst of struggles. At that time, maybe he didn’t know why God was allowing him to go through such things, but, God is using his example and story to make Him known throughout the world.

Taken from Google Images

In Jason Castro’s song, “Only A Mountain”, I very much appreciate how he encourages others to have faith in God and acknowledge His presence even as we go through difficult moments in life.

“There’s no problem too big for God to tackle. You just gotta have faith in Him.” -Jason Castro

Matthew 17:20 says: “He replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. “


Encourage yourself one tune at a time. :)

Unshakable: Standing Firm in Changing Times

Last May 17, 2014, my family and I attended a one-day conference with Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Krish Dhanam and Dr. Nabeel Qureshi at the CCF Center. It was entitled “Unshakable: Standing Firm in Changing Times”. The humble speakers shared about the principles they have been learning from God’s word, their experiences in sharing God to others, and their testimonies and encounters with Him.

with Dr. Ravi Zacharias

I have listed down some of the encouraging things they have shared at the conference. May these encourage you too. Have a blessed day! :)


Pray before making decisions.

Learn to shift through life and steer the things that do not matter.

You have to learn to start. Don’t just stand there. Do something.

A half-baked job is a no-no. Swerve. Do your best.

Outlove the people around you. Show them Jesus – who is most powerful in life.

Take one step at a time: Person to prepare, Passion to pursue, and Price to pay.




God intentionally created you. You are not a purposeless piece of carbon.

Ground yourself and know your Creator. Start fueling your life with what God has designed for you.

God has crafted you to be a world-changer. All things can be done for others. All things can be done through Jesus.

You’re here to produce, not just to consume.

Keep your eyes on the cross.

Taking God’s name in vain: You carry the name of Christ. Live like Christ and don’t take His name in vain.

Bring your shame and your past to the light. And in the light, walk with Christ and He will use you to be a blessing to others.

You have eternity secured in Christ. How are you using your time here on earth if you’re too focused on youself?

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4) – Delighting in Him means loving Him with everything that you have, knowing Him, and studying His Word more. Then, God will craft the desires in our hearts.

with Dr. Nabeel Qureshi
with Dr. Nabeel Qureshi




A calling is that position in your life that brings and converges your disciplines, convictions, and desires in life.

Whatever you do, wherever you are, do it in the name of God and treat it with honor.

God is always within reach from wherever you are.

We see the awesome power of God when we understand and see His exactitude in all (our bodies, the earth, the universe).

You are building memories. Make good ones.

Take seriously what God can do through you.

How is your prayerlife?

The way back to any broken relationship is the communion with God.

It is vitally important to choose the right partner. Seek God’s wisdom and do the right thing with the partner you choose.

Dad and Mom



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with tita Jean Geronimo and Ptr. JP & Tita Rochelle Masakayan.


Encourage yourself one treat at a time. :)


Good Friends are like Stars

…You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there. [Christy Evans]

Photo taken five years ago... I think. :)
Photo taken five years ago… I think. :)

After more than three years, we were finally complete! Aina, Angel, Maiel and I first got together at a college retreat last 2008. We enjoyed each other’s company so much that after the retreat, we regularly spent time together, before and after classes, and in our college ministry.

Balboa at the East Wing of Shangri-La
Balboa at the East Wing of Shangri-La


Balboa's pretty menu design.
Balboa’s pretty menu design.

However, because we eventually had different priorities and responsibilities, we weren’t able to continue spending time together in college. This went on even after our graduation. But, in God’s perfect time, He made us all available a few days ago and it was really an encouraging night for us to once again share a meal and have hearty conversations with each other.

Buffalo Mozzarella
Buffalo Mozzarella

We took turns updating each other with our lives for the past three years. It was an interesting moment for us because we were able to talk about our past, the lessons we’ve learned from our experiences, our deepest secrets, and even our dreams for the future.



Prosciutto, Mushroom, and Arugula Pizza
Prosciutto, Mushroom, and Arugula Pizza
Fresh Spinach Tagliatelle Adriatico


By God’s grace, He continues to faithfully work in our hearts and help us grow into the women that He desires us to be. One of the valuable lessons we’ve learned that night is the importance of staying connected to God and being accountable to others regularly. This helps us guard our hearts, minds, and bodies for His glory.

Beer-Battered Seafood

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” –Colossians 3:16

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Photo taken four years ago.

I pray that we will still continue to encourage each other to grow in our walk with God even if we don’t get to see each other regularly.

Thank You, Lord, for the privilege of growing with these ladies. May You bless their hearts more and more as they know You and grow with You each day.



Encourage yourself one treat at a time. :)


By the way, Balboa served us excellent food that night. It’s a must-try! I also loved how well they designed the restaurant!


4F East Wing, Shangri-La Plaza Mall, Mandaluyong city

(0932) 878-3984

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About Me

My name is Nicole Obligacion and I started this blog because I was inspired by Hebrews 10:24 and Hebrews 3:13. I love to eat, cook, bake, read the Bible, and encourage. :)

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