If I had to choose between waffles and pancakes, I would definitely go with waffles! :) The sweet, crisp, golden brown treats sold in the market have always fascinated me. Moreover, I’ve always had the desire to try making them on my own. By God’s grace, I was able to purchase a Belgian Waffle Maker and produce the delicious treats at home! :)

The saleslady, who assisted me, gave me two important reminders: 1) Preheat and wait for the green light before pouring the batter on the pan; and 2) Read the manual. As I was going out of the store, I thought to myself: “Read the manual? Yeah, right. Hahaha. I might not have time for that anyway.”

At home, I immediately assembled the waffle maker and started preparing the ingredients. While I was waiting for the dough to rise, I suddenly remembered the manual which was in the box. At that time, I did not feel like reading the manual, but God gently rebuked me and encouraged me to scan through it. Surprisingly, after reading all of the instructions, I realized that a Product Manual is very important and that it is very similar to God’s Word – the Bible! :)

Why Do I Say So? Because a Product Manual…
- Helps us Know the Company and the Product more
The company provided a detailed description of the waffle maker and appropriate photos (with labels) to help the readers understand the product and its uses more. Similarly, this reminded me of how God provided in His Word everything we need to know as we live the lives He has blessed us with.

Moreover, God reveals Himself to us whenever we read the Bible and it’s amazing because we never run out of things to learn about God. Through His Word, we are able to discover His different attributes, desires, plans and promises for us, His creations, the things He does not like and so much more! Also, through His Word, we are able to understand His purpose and love for us.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. – Jeremiah 29:13
2. Helps Guide and Protect Us
I was supposed to test the waffle maker by preheating it and leaving it on for a while without any batter in it (just out of curiosity). But for some reason, God stopped me from doing so. And I thank God that He did because minutes later, I read one of the many “Do Not” instructions in the manual:

“Never run the appliance empty.”
Right then and there, I realized that manuals help protect us from experiencing harm or unnecessary pain. In the same way, whether we like it or not, God expresses His Do’s and Don’t’s in the Bible for our own good. Sometimes, people tell me how frustrating it is to live by God’s rules and standards in the Bible. I do understand where they are coming from because, of course, sometimes, it allows us to step out of our comfort zone.

But, at the same time, I also encourage them to view those instructions as “Because-I-Love-You Guidelines” instead. Why? Because God loves us so much not to let us experience what is less than best. And He does so by giving us limitations here and there and standards to live by according to His Word and good will for us.
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. – Joshua 1:8

3. Helps us Experience the Best
This instruction is one of the most crucial steps involved in the process of making waffles (as seen in the manual):
“Plug into socket. The red indication will illuminate. Allow the appliance to pre-heat: the green light comes on when the correct cooking temperature is reached.”
I remembered this instruction, which was also given to me by the saleslady, and carefully followed it after reading the manual. By God’s grace, with the help of my lovely waffle maker, I was able to produce these sweet, crisp, golden brown waffles! :)

If I did not preheat the pan and wait for the green light to come on, I would have ended up with weird, flat waffles. The pan needed to have the right temperature first before having contact with the batter. Generally speaking, when using waffle makers, we have to wait until the maker says it’s okay to pour the batter in (via light/sound). We just have to trust that the manufacturers know what is best.

God allowed me to realize that likewise, we have to wait until our Maker says it’s okay before we do something; before we make a decision. We have to seek God’s “green light”, approval and opinion first (Of course, through the Bible and prayer). Why? Because just like the manufacturers, God knows what is best for us and we just have to put our trust in Him.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
-Isaiah 55:8-9

It has been five years since the first time I seriously read and studied God’s word and it still feels great to learn some more from it! I actually did not expect myself to continue it when I started because there were times when I would feel lazy, be busy, or even feel weak spiritually.

However, by God’s grace, He continues to give me the desire to do it — from studying one verse to eventually meditating on a chapter every day. Through this, my heart continues to be satisfied and strengthened by God and I am continuously filled with hope — Hope that is found in Him. I look forward to learning and improving more for His glory as I read the Bible.
What’s hindering you from reading the Bible? Why don’t you give it a try? :)
Encourage yourself one VERSE at a time! :)