My First OPM Song

Exactly a week ago, on my birthday, I shared my very first OPM (Original Pilipino Music) song to the public.

Originally, I wrote a verse and chorus in English. But after struggling to finish the rest of the song, I was inspired to translate it to Tagalog instead. In less than 10 minutes, by God’s grace, He helped me finish the song.

It’s entitled “Heto na Naman Ako”.


You know how it is very burdensome to go through a struggle day after day, year after year, where you just feel defeated and hopeless each time? I felt that when I struggled with insecurities about being single recently (which I wrote about HERE.)  But, God encouraged me through John 16:33. Because of this, I was inspired to share what is in my heart through this song.

To anyone who is struggling with something that doesn’t seem to end,
To anyone who feels that God doesn’t care,
To anyone who sincerely wants to draw near to God but feels weak…

May this song encourage your heart to remember that we can trust in Jesus — who is always with us; who knows exactly what is going on in our hearts; and who has already won the victory.

You Were Bought with a Price

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always imagined myself getting married, having kids, and sharing my interests such as gardening, cooking, baking, and the Bible with them. However, after graduating from college, this desire seemed to fade away. I didn’t think or pray about it for years. For some reason, I was enjoying being single and exploring my different hobbies even after celebrating my 25th birthday two years ago. But recently, I noticed that my relatives and friends started getting engaged and married. Unexpectedly, the dreaded day finally came — The day when I started to entertain and believe in lies.

If you know me, you’ll agree when I say that I am very much aware of the security that we have in Christ. I’ve listened to countless messages and read a good number of books on being single and on Godly dating. I’ve spent time with God’s word too, where I learned about how Jesus is more than enough for us. I’ve also received counsel from some of my mentors and accountability partners. But, I wasn’t careful with my heart and it wasn’t fully surrendered to the Lord, contrary to what I thought. Because of this, I ended up nurturing the lies of the enemy in my head.

Throughout the past months and years, I’ve heard people casually tell me the ff. statements:

“Your standards are too high. You’ll never find a guy like that.”

“What?? You still don’t have a boyfriend? Since birth??”

“How about your siblings? They still don’t have partners? Why???”

“When are you going to have a boyfriend? How old are you now? Ohh, okay. You still have time.”

“I never want to be single. Ugh!”

“I hope you’ll have a boyfriend already. It feels so great to be in love and to have someone love you and cherish you.”

“Your parents are getting old. Hurry up and get married so you guys can give them grandkids already.”

…and the list goes on.

Usually, I would respond with a polite laugh and comment. But, what they didn’t know was how I’d come home feeling defeated, unwanted, and unloved after hearing their comments every single time. But, by God’s grace, He has developed a natural desire for writing in me, so, I immediately open up my heart to Him each time I struggle with this and remind myself of His truths. He has also surrounded me with a few accountability partners who help rebuke and encourage me as I struggle.

For someone who has accepted Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior, I knew that my relationship with Him matters most in life. But, because I absorbed the comments from people and valued my status in society more than my worth in Christ, I honestly struggled believing that He was and is more than enough for me. There would be moments when I would write these lines on my journal: “Lord, why does society always have to put ‘being in a relationship’ on a pedestal — like it’s the most important thing ever; as if you lack something if you remain to be single. Lord, You are more important. Right? Right.”

As the months passed by, more and more of my friends became blessed with the privilege of getting engaged, being married, and serving the Lord as husband and wife / as parents. And I’d find myself sitting at a coffee shop week after week, drinking my favorite frappuccino, thinking: “Wow. I never thought I’d say this, but, I really feel like I’m missing out on something, Lord. I know You are good and loving and You have the best plans for me. But, why is it so hard for me to trust in You? To find contentment and joy in You? Why are my stubborn eyes always on the lookout for what others have that I don’t? Please help my heart trust in You and in Your goodness and love for me. Please?”

The other day, I was having a conversation with one of my accountability partners where we talked about this lingering struggle in my life. We called it, “The Ring”, mainly because of the engagement and wedding rings I’ve been seeing everywhere. This week, I had the time to quiet my heart and process things with God again… for the nth time. I humbled myself and specifically told Him about my worries and anxieties. I told Him about how it has been a struggle for me and how I’ve felt like a wounded soldier each time I fell, got back up, and drew near to Him again. But, I also told Him that I wanted to have a heart transplant — figuratively speaking. As I was spending time with the Lord, He encouraged me to look back on His faithfulness and remember how He worked in my heart and life. Praise God for old journals and blog posts! As I read through them, I remembered how God helped me to grow and know Him more through the years.

Then, a random idea crossed my mind: “Nic, what if you buy a ring for yourself, since ‘The Ring’ has been a struggle for you lately? Buy one that will constantly remind you of His love for you.”

It was funny, but I seriously prayed about it. I passed by Silverworks last night and saw a crown ring (Php 1,190) that looked nice! I told myself, “Cool! A crown to remind me that He is King and I am His daughter, a princess.” However, the staff told me that they didn’t have my size. The ring was too big for me. After feeling bummed about it, I almost left the store. But, somehow, I felt that a ring inside that store was meant for me. So, I looked around one last time. Ten minutes later, I found another ring with a red gem on it (Php 390). Even though I didn’t really like other colors aside from gold or silver, I still gave it a try. When I wore the ring, it was as if the world had stopped for a few seconds as this song played in my mind:

“You loved me when I was so unlovely

You sought me when I was lost

You showed me how much you really love me

When you bought me at the highest cost

There’s no greater love than this

That a man would give His life for a friend.”

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” -Isaiah 53:5

I almost shed a tear inside the store. All of a sudden, the color red became beautiful to me. And in an instant, I whispered to myself: “I was bought with a price when Jesus shed His blood for me.” Right then and there, I knew it was the perfect ring for me. In the midst of insecurities, discouragements, and doubts, I can look at it and find comfort as I remember my worth in Jesus, not in the standards or opinions of society. Truths from His Word slowly filled my mind and heart.

I am dearly loved by Him. (1 John 4:19)

I have been forgiven and free because of what He did for me (Eph. 1:7, 2:8-9).

No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly. (Psalm 84:11).

Our life here on earth is short. I am like a mist; here today and gone tomorrow. This world is not our home. (James 4:14).

The peace that we have in Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

He has made everything beautiful in His time. (Ecclesiates 3:11)

He cares for me. (1 Peter 5:7)

… and the list goes on. :)


So, today, I unpack my heart and open it up to the public not because of my longing for sympathy, but, because of my desire to give God the glory… even in my weakness. The Lord has also comforted my anxious heart with this verse: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) These troubles definitely include struggling with believing in the lies of the enemy. Whenever I am discouraged or tempted to believe that God is not good or that He made a mistake or that He doesn’t have the best plans for me, I am humbled and encouraged by the fact that I am already victorious in Jesus when He died on the cross to save us; when He rose from the grave and overcame death. He has defeated the greatest problem in the world, sin. And by God’s grace, I know that I can choose to live victoriously each day for His glory as I continue to put my trust in Him, whether or not I get married. Whether or not I get promoted, have a new car, earn millions, etc. because my security is not anchored on society, but on the One who knows the deepest struggles of my heart and yet loves and pursues me just the same. Jesus, what a beautiful name!

Today, I got my Starbucks planner for 2018 and as I flipped through the pages, I saw the section on February 14. This went on in my head:

“Great. I don’t have a Valenti— Wait a minute!”

*looks at my ring*

“Sorry, lies. But, I’ve been bought with a price!”

It most probably will be a daily battle for me. But, because I know that the Lord is always with me, there is no need to fear. There is no need to worry. To anyone who’s also struggling out there, know that you are not alone. You may feel lonely at times, but you will never be alone. He is Emmanuel.

To the love of my life, my Prince of Peace, wonderful Counselor, faithful Father and Friend, and my ultimate Encourager… from the bottom of my grateful and wounded heart, I thank You!

It’s Not About Competition

Ping Pong games always remind me of childhood memories with my dad and siblings. More than fifteen years ago, our dad bought a net, a huge piece of plywood, Ping Pong rackets, and Ping Pong balls for the house. Even though it wasn’t the real Ping Pong table, we were still able to learn the sport thanks to Dad’s patience and skills.

Playing Ping Pong is similar to riding a bike. You still remember how to do it even after years of not playing the sport. So, although it has been a while since I last played, I said yes to the challenge of joining the tournament in our office this year.

By God’s grace, He allowed my Ping Pong partner and I to win two games and advance to the semi-finals! Honestly, this was something that I did not expect because the other participants are really good. Plus, most of them usually spend their lunch breaks playing in the office way before HR announced the tournament. During our first two games, I didn’t pressure myself to win. I did, however, practice as much as I could and have fun in the process. But, now that we’ll be competing again, I can feel the pressure!

While my partner and I were practicing against other opponents earlier today, I didn’t do very well. Almost every missed turn or mediocre service that I did, my partner corrected me. Haha! At first, I thought, “Boy, is he competitive!” But, what struck me about his comments was this statement: “Palu-in mo nang malakas para hindi ko na ibabalik sa kanila.” To my foreigner friends, he simply emphasized the need for me to hit a hard and fast ball so that our opponents wouldn’t be able to return it to our side.

It took a while before it sank in me. After practicing and playing during the first two games, I realized that I was just playing it safe. I didn’t risk by hitting the ball as hard as I could. My only goal was to bring it to the other side. But, what my partner said was exactly what I needed to hear. As a team, we need to help each other out and make things easier for each other. Oftentimes, I would return a high ball and our opponent would easily smash it towards our side, making it hard for my partner to return the ball.

Just before I went home today, I had a quick chat with another participant who was staying at the pantry. I joked about how intense the competition was especially for me since I was feeling the pressure from my competitive partner. But, once again, I was humbled by the response of another colleague. She said that my partner’s competitive spirit and comments during our practices are helpful in developing skills. She pointed out that I improved in returning long and low throws compared to how I played a year ago.

She also said that since every hit was 50/50 for me, why not hit it hard, especially if I receive high throws? She gently rebuked me and said that I needed to let go of pressure or hesitation and just practice hitting hard as I aim. She also ended by saying: “Even though I hit the ball hard and it goes outside, I still continue practicing hitting hard the next time. We don’t always get them inside the court, but this is how we’ll grow.”

Wow. All I could say was “Wow!”. As I drove home, it hit me. It isn’t about competition, it’s about constant growth.
It doesnt matter who’s ahead or who’s number one. What matters is that I’m maximizing what I have now in order for me to keep on growing and learning.

In less than two days, we’ll be competiting again. But, this time, I’ll be having a new perspective in my mind and heart. No matter what happens, I will still be very grateful, not only because of the victories we’ve experienced, by God’s grace. But also, because of my colleagues who selflessly coach and help me to grow.

The Lost Boy at Mercury Drugstore

I passed by Mercury drugstore last night to buy some medicine again and I saw the same cashier lady from last week. As soon as I walked over, she gave me a second look and smiled. I then softly laughed and said: “No one’s lost, so far?”. She smiled and replied, “No one.”

Exactly a week ago, we encountered a lost boy inside the same Mercury drugstore.

On my way home last Friday night, I was only supposed to buy things from a hypermarket nearby. But somehow, I felt a strong nudge in my heart to drop by Mercury drugstore (a few blocks away) to buy medicine before driving to the hypermarket. As soon as I paid for the medicine at the cashier, I noticed a young boy (around 9 years old) who was crying. I overheard the cashier lady and the guard at the store talking to him and saying words like “España” and “Dapitan”. In an instant, I realized that the boy was lost!

I offered to help him find and contact his parents through Facebook because he didn’t know his phone number at home nor his specific address. For the next 20 minutes, we did our best to search and wait for the replies of his mom and aunt. But, we didn’t receive any. So, our plan B was to check if he left any contact information when he visitied one of the playstores in the area. The guard at the Mercury drugstore asked the other guard to accompany the kid back to the store. It was already around 8:30 pm.

After five minutes, I received a notification in my phone showing that the mom already accepted my message request! Yes! Immediately, I called her and she picked it up. To my surprise, in the video call, I saw her with the lost boy! They were reunited!! I traced my way towards where they were and said my goodbyes.

I also asked the mom to help the kid memorize their numbers and address so, if ever it happens again, he’ll know the way home. The mom kept on thanking me for helping his kid contact me and I knew that it was all by God’s grace. No wonder I felt the nudge to drop by Mercury drugstore blocks away first, even though there was a Watsons drugstore inside the hypermarket. No wonder I felt a strong urge to charge my phone in the car on the way home from work. I don’t usually do this, but I remember having a quick thought saying “Charge your phone now. You’ll need more battery tonight.”

Sometimes, God uses unusual and spontaneous ways to speak to us. But, if there was something that I won’t forget throughout the experience, it was learning to obey without delaying. I was in the Mercury drugstore at the exact moment that the kid was crying. I had battery and data that night which gave the kid comfort as we waited and tried to contact his mom. In the end, I was also able to talk to the mom about God’s goodness in what happened. All by God’s grace. What if, despite the nudge in my heart, I decided not to drop by Mercury drugstore that night? Then, I would have missed out on this special moment where I witnessed God’s goodness in the lives of the mother and son.

When I got home and until the next morning, the mom and I exchanged messages online to share what we experienced and to thank God together. The lost boy at the drugstore was found! I still remember feeling the joy when I saw them together! Even the cashier lady and the guard rejoiced with me that night!

I can’t help but remember how it is also the same in our walk with the Lord. We all are lost in our sins. But, God has been pursuing us ever since. Because of His unconditional love for us, He sent His son, Jesus, to die on the cross and rise again to save us and give us the gift of being with Him in Heaven forever. We just need to believe and put our faith in Jesus, our personal Lord and Savior. (Eph. 2:8-9 and John 3:16)

Just like the lost boy at the drugstore, there are so many similar cases out there. And if we don’t act when God tells us to do something, we might miss out on helping them get found.

Britt Nicole said in one of her songs:

“Don’t let your lights go down
Don’t let your fire burn out
‘Cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe
Why don’t you rise up now?
Don’t be afraid to stand out
That’s how the lost get found
So when you get the chance
Are you going to take it?”


P.S. Thank you also, Mercury Drugstore guard and cashier lady in Fun ranch, Pasig. :)

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My name is Nicole Obligacion and I started this blog because I was inspired by Hebrews 10:24 and Hebrews 3:13. I love to eat, cook, bake, read the Bible, and encourage. :)

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