Simple Sunday Snack: Shrimp Kebabs

I wasn’t feeling well when I woke up this morning because of my feverish body and sore throat. Even though it was more convenient for me to stay at home, rest, and listen to the message online, God still encouraged me to get out of my bed and go with my siblings to church. On our way out after the service, we bumped into friends and spent time talking with them. It was interesting because after spending time with them, we walked to another area (on our way to the car) and bumped into another group of friends. And this happened again and again and again. At that time, I honestly felt like I was going to faint, but by God’s grace, He gave me the strength to walk, talk, and even go home with my siblings.


Despite my condition, I praise God for allowing me to go to church today. It was encouraging to be reminded of acknowledging God’s presence in our lives even in the way we handle our money and it was nice catching up with our friends too! I sincerely thank You, Lord!

When we got home, I started preparing Shrimp Kebabs for our additional late lunch/snack. For this simple snack, I wanted to include some of the red, cherry tomatoes growing in our veranda. And because there were more than 15 ripe cherry tomatoes in the plant, I asked my siblings and mom if they wanted to help pick fruits with me. Surprisingly, they all agreed to help!

Photo c/o my sister, Camille. :)
Photo c/o my sister, Camille. :)

I then washed the tomatoes, cleaned the shrimps, prepared the spices/marinade and grilled the juicy kebabs!






While I was grilling the shrimps, God reminded me of my situation earlier today; of how I was so weak (and sick) at church while I was spending time with my siblings and our friends. Usually after each service, we would go straight home. But today, I noticed that God gave me opportunities to be intentional in spending time with my siblings and our friends while I had a weak and feverish body.


Also, He allowed my siblings to help others in need (e.g. My brother did his best to assist a few guys who were having trouble starting their car in the parking lot; my eldest sister helping a new friend with her passion for education and ministry). Even at home, God encouraged me to bond with my brother, sisters, and mom (who were at home at that time) by simply picking fruits at our veranda!


I then remembered what Ptr. Peter Tan-Chi said in one of his sermons: “Love is to seek others’ highest good, which often times require our sacrifice.” Once again, I’m learning that life isn’t about me and my comfort. It’s about loving God with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength… even when I’m sick and weak; even when I don’t feel like loving; even when it means that I should love others too. I shouldn’t let anything hinder me from loving Him sacrificially because He deserves every beat of my heart and every drop of love within me. He deserves the best love I can ever give!


Luke 10:27 says: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”

RECIPE: Shrimp Kebabs (with Cherry Tomatoes)



Cherry Tomatoes

Spices (salt, pepper, cumin)

Butter/Olive oil

Fresh Basil leaves

*Other vegetables/spices you can add: Onions, bell pepper, garlic, oregano, rosemary




  1. Rinse. Remove the head (set aside) and the shell of the body.
  2. De-vein the shrimps and place in a small bowl.
  3. In the small bowl, add a tablespoon (or two) of melted butter or olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper. Add diced fresh basil leaves.
  4. In another small bowl, squeeze the juice out of the shrimps heads and mix in a pinch of cumin.
  5. Combine the spiced shrimps and the mixture of shrimp juice/flavor and cumin.



  1. Rinse the cherry tomatoes.
  2. Add a pinch of salt and pepper.
  3. Drizzle a tablespoon of olive oil on the tomatoes. Mix

Push sticks through a cherry tomato and shrimp alternately. Grill for 1-2 minutes on each side. Serve with basmati rice or toasted, sliced baguettes.



Encourage yourself one treat at a time. :)

Simple Sunday Snack: Cherry Tomatoes on Baguettes

Nothing beats fresh ingredients in home-cooked meals. It has always been my dream to own and manage a huge garden or an orchard where I could pick, eat, and cook various fruits, vegetables, and herbs anytime. In the future, God-willing, I’ll get to experience that. But for now, I am very much pleased with my baby plants in our veranda. By God’s grace, I harvested my first batch of red cherry tomatoes and made an easy, cheesy snack at home.




While I was removing the tomatoes from the plant, I started reminiscing about its younger days. It was just a beautiful experience to see that one, tiny seed grow into a leafy and fruitful plant. When I was in gradeschool, I remember collecting fruits on the ground that fell from the trees and I was happy even in those simple moments. I guess I’ve always admired the beauty of seeing fruits, vegetables, flowers, and herbs grow in trees and plants.






And now that God has given me the privilege of growing my own plants and vegetables, I am reminded even more of how amazing God is as our Creator. He is able to make seeds grow and bear fruit! The remarkable thing about it too is that even when I wasn’t able to regularly water and fertilize our plants at home, God still made a way for them to get their needs (e.g. through rain; my mom who sometimes watered the plants too).




Seeing his grace in the growth of the plants encourages me to trust in His faithfulness. If He can easily provide for the plant’s needs, make it grow and bear fruit, how much more can He graciously work in the hearts and lives of His children?


Philippians 1:6 says: “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Thank You, Lord, for the simple joys of knowing you more through nature. :)




  • Ripe tomatoes
  • Spices: Salt, Pepper, Dried herbs (oregano, rosemary, basil, sage, etc.)
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Baguettes (I got mine from Le Coeur de France)
  • olive oil
  • Fresh Basil leaves



1. Slice the tomatoes.


2. Add a dash of salt and pepper and sprinkle some of the dried herbs. Drizzle olive oil on it and mix.


3. Cook the spiced tomatoes in a small pan, until soft.

4. Place the tomatoes on sliced baguettes and add shredded Mozzarella cheese.

5. Toast them for 2-3 minutes.

6. Sprinkle chopped fresh basil leaves on the baguettes.

Mom’s fresh basil

7. Enjoy white it’s still hot, crunchy, and cheesy.

I served it with Sbarro’s baked ziti with Meatball. :)


Encourage yourself one treat at a time. :)

Growing Broccoli and Cherry Tomatoes

Eight months ago, Nick Vujicic shared God’s word and his testimony during the Unstoppable conference at our church. I will never forget that time because it was a humbling experience for me. Before he ended his talk, he challenged the participants to grow more in their walk with God. And by God’s grace, I took the challenge and surrendered my heart again to Jesus.

On our way home, God randomly encouraged me to plant an actual seed and make it grow. At that time, I realized that God was supporting my desire to grow in my walk with Him and He wanted me to constantly be reminded of it through gardening.


And so, the next day, I bought a new pot, a bag of loose soil, broccoli seeds and I started planting my first vegetable. After watering the two seeds for 10 days, two tiny Broccoli leaves grew and I couldn’t believe my eyes! I loved it! Because I enjoyed the experience so much, I decided to buy another pot, another bag of soil, and a pack of cherry tomato seeds.

The Broccoli Seed
The Cherry Tomato Seed


I really thank God for the privilege of gardening. He has been gracious in keeping them alive and well since day one and I am always in awe of how He is able to create such beautiful things and make them grow and bear fruit.

I’d like to share with you some of the valuable lessons I’ve learned since I started planting the Broccoli and Cherry Tomato seeds:

FIRST: God makes things Grow in His Perfect Time.

Baby Broccoli leaves

I read in various websites that we can harvest Broccoli and Cherry Tomatoes after two months. However, in my case, I was only able to harvest the tomatoes after seven and a half months and I’m still waiting for my broccoli plants to produce their heads.

Young, fragile Broccoli plant

It might have been ‘discouraging’ for me to see them grow slowly, but through this, I am reminded by God that He is able to do more than we can ask or imagine. So, if He thinks it’s best for the tomatoes or broccoli to grow and bear fruit immediately, He can and will allow it to happen.

Beautiful Broccoli leaves


In the same way, there are certain areas in my life where I feel like I’m not growing or progressing as fast as I want to. But, despite this, I am encouraged to trust that God knows best; that He is constantly at work in my life; and that He will allow me to grow into the woman that He wants me to be in His perfect time.

Ephesians 3:20 says: “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”

SECOND: Growth Requires Discipline and Perseverance.

Baby Cherry Tomato plant

For the past eight months, I’ve done my best to regularly water the plants. However, I do remember instances (especially at night) when I would deliberately choose to ignore my responsibility and do other things like: sleeping or watching TV series or surfing the internet or sleeping (again). And sadly, when I don’t practice the discipline of watering the plants, giving them fertilizer, and taking out the weeds (which hinder their growth), I end up having unhealthy and unhappy plants.

Top view of the Cherry Tomato plant

John Maxwell once said “If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.”

By God’s grace, He has been showing me the importance of discipline and perseverance not only in gardening, but also in my day-to-day activities. If I want to grow in my walk with God, then I must be willing to regularly spend time with Him in prayer and by reading/studying the Bible. I must also learn to constantly remove and let go of the things that hinder me from knowing and loving Him more. In the same way, if I want to grow in my workplace and ministry, I must be willing to go the extra mile and give my best even in the small tasks that I have.

A Cherry Tomato flower


My first Cherry Tomato

THIRD: Support from Others Help Sustain Growth

I noticed that the main stalk of the Cherry Tomato plant started to bend after five months. When I saw it, I panicked because I didn’t want it to snap! So, I tied a number of sticks to the stalk using some of our straw and thankfully, it stood still. Also, my mom willingly helped me maintain the support system and my brothers also helped me get rid of the weeds that were surrounding the plants.


I realized that having a support system definitely encourages and sustains growth. Just like the main stalk, sooner or later, we might also ‘bend’ when we experience difficult situations.  But, when we keep ourselves closely accountable and open to others who willingly support and help us, we can actually learn and grow even more.

My younger brother taking out the weeds.

1 Thessalonians 5:11
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

Special thanks to my parents and siblings, who cheerfully support and encourage me whenever I take care of the plants.




I already harvested red cherry tomatoes yesterday and I might harvest more tomorrow. Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful experience of growing our own vegetables at home. But more than that, I thank You for constantly encouraging me to grow in my walk with You.

See you soon, Broccoli!! :)


Encourage yourself one treat at a time.

Worth Melting For

There’s a certain glow in a person’s heart when it’s his or her birthday. For some reason, when we celebrate our birthdays, we experience a different kind of joy, peace, and contentment throughout the day. We tend to smile more, radiate positive vibes around us, give more, worry less, and the list goes on.


Last week, I celebrated my 23rd birthday and interestingly, God allowed me to experience indescribable peace that day even if I had to finish chores at 5:30 in the morning, only had 2 hours of sleep, and was late for work because of the first two things I just mentioned. It was actually a very good day for me and I thank God for it.


For my birthday treat, I brought some of my favorite desserts to the office: dozens of Krispy Kreme doughnuts and fresh strawberries. I usually bring plain strawberries to the office whenever we have extra at home, but this time, I decided to coat them in white and semi-sweet chocolate for a change.


While I was at Cooks’ Exchange, I asked one of the staff members where the chocolate for melting/dipping was. He pointed to a number of baskets filled with various chocolate bars and chocolate chips. Then, he said “Ma’am, since you’re melting chocolate for strawberries, I suggest that you use chocolate bars instead of chocolate chips, because the bars were made for melting and the chips were made to retain their shape in baked goods.”


And so, I bought bars of white and semi-sweet chocolate and melted them at home using a double broiler.


Although it took extra effort to carefully melt the chocolate and dip the berries in it, I really enjoyed making the chocolate-covered strawberries because it was amazing to see the chocolate quickly harden and take the shape of the fruit.


As I was preparing the sweet treats, I realized that the chocolate really needed to go through the melting process in order for me to have chocolate-covered berries.  If I wanted to make this dessert, I couldn’t just shred the chocolate bars and press them on the fruit. The chocolate bars needed to change its form to liquid so that it can stick to the fruit, which would then result to my desired dessert.




Somehow, God reminded me that in the same way, Jesus needed to go through his melting process too (suffering, pain, sacrifice, and resurrection) so that we can experience an intimate relationship with God for eternity. Only Jesus was destined to do so.

Romans 5:8 says “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”




This gentle reminder comforted my heart that night (which was the night before my birthday) because God used it to reassure me of His indescribable love for me. And as I celebrate my 23 years of existence in a world where pain, uncertainties and discouragements are also evident, I am reminded to place my security and hope in the One who knows and loves me the most – and that is, Jesus. :)


Thank You, Jesus, for another year with you. Thank you for going through the melting process for me and for reminding me that because of Your grace, I am worth melting for. Only a love like Yours can make my heart glow. Only a love like Yours can motivate me to live each day for You. :)





Encourage yourself one treat at a time. :)


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My name is Nicole Obligacion and I started this blog because I was inspired by Hebrews 10:24 and Hebrews 3:13. I love to eat, cook, bake, read the Bible, and encourage. :)

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