Every time I would eat at McDonald’s, I would hear it’s latest theme song: “Hooray for Today!” That song encourages people to appreciate even the simplest things in life; those that we take for granted most of the time. Because I was encouraged by the song, I decided to thank God more by sharing in this blog two moments that I had at McDonald’s recently and how God used them to speak to me.
(You can read about Day 1 here: https://encouragingtreats.com/hooray-today-part-1/ )

Last July 13, 2012, I was having lunch at McDonald’s and I decided to order one regular fries, one crispy chicken sandwich, and a regular Coke float. I was so excited to eat and enjoy the lunch break! :) However, when I got my food and drink, I noticed that the cashier lady gave me MEDIUM fries instead of what I originally ordered: REGULAR FRIES.

I don’t know why but for a few seconds, I was tempted not to say anything. I thought to myself: “Maybe a few pieces of fries won’t hurt McDonald’s. And maybe it’s God’s way of blessing me. :)” However, God immediately rebuked my thoughts and spoke to my heart. “Nic, you know what you should do. Go and tell the lady that she gave you the wrong order.” He said.

Without any more hesitation, I told the lady and she replied: “Oo nga noh. Kay sir (customer beside me) pala yung medium fries. Sorry about that ma’am and thank you.” She then took the medium fries and replaced it with the regular one. I realized that if I didn’t obey God, the cashier lady or the guy beside me would have eventually noticed that I got away with a different order (since he was also there when I gave my orders). That would have been really complicated. Also, if I didn’t tell the lady, then I would have stolen and lied; I would have sinned against God.

I praise God for His gracious rebuke. :)
I walked away with a smile on my face not because I made the right decision, but because of God’s grace and His presence. :)
As I took a bite of my sandwich and ate the fries, God reminded me that having integrity in the smallest things is important, since it will eventually affect how I deal with the bigger things and issues in life. But more importantly, I realized that when we practice integrity, God is pleased and honored more.
Luke 16:10
He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.
He encouraged me to practice integrity not only in McDonald’s but also in the way I make decisions especially at home, work, church, ministry, and my relationships with others and with Him.

Moreover, I’m learning that practicing integrity may mean that…
1. I would choose to use the computers, internet, etc. in the office not for my personal use, but for the purpose of excellently fulfilling my responsibilities at work and adding more value to the company.
2. I would choose not to gossip or talk negatively about other people no matter what. (Ephesians 4:29)
3. I would choose to follow the traffic rules when driving and even when walking across streets. (Romans 13:1)

4. I would try my best to guard my mind and let it dwell only on thoughts that would glorify God. (2 Corinthians 10:5). As a result, this would help me to guard my heart more (from bitterness, envy, lust, pride, etc.).
5. I would constantly seek to know God more and spend time with Him through prayer and His word. Even if I try to practice integrity in my life, I know that I would not be able to do it without God’s grace, wisdom, and guidance. (Psalm 105:4)
…and many more.

As I look at these examples, I am humbled even more because I know that I have a lot to improve on when it comes to practicing integrity. But, by God’s grace, I will choose integrity. By God’ grace, I will choose Jesus, because He is so much more important than my comfort, my pride, and other desires in my life.
Thank You, Lord, for another “McDo moment”. :) Thank You for encouraging me again.
Encourage yourself one treat at a time! :)
“I realized that when we practice integrity, God is pleased and honored more.” — :’)