An avocado smoothie has always been a sweet, creamy, and refreshing treat at home. My mom usually prepares the dessert and we love it! Recently, I decided to make the yummy smoothie to beat the Summer heat.

A few days after buying the avocados, I noticed that they were already a bit soft. When my fingers gently pressed the fruit, it created a small dent and so I figured it was time to cut them open. As I was preparing the dessert, I was having a hard time removing the avocado meat from the skin. I told myself: “That’s weird. Usually, the meat would easily come off. Oh well. I’ll be blending them anyway.”

To my dismay, I ended up with a bitter avocado smoothie. Once I tasted it, I immediately spat it out of my mouth because of its awful, bitter taste. Even if I added more sugar, it still tasted bitter. So, I decided to throw the batch that I made and pretended as if nothing happened. I didn’t even tell my mom (who bought the avocados) that I used and threw them away.
I was so frustrated because I made a mistake even if the avocado smoothie recipe that I used at that time was also the one I used before (when I made successful smoothies). I found myself thinking of thoughts like: “Your mom’s money was wasted. It was a simple dessert yet you still made a mistake. You’re such a failure.” And it was crazy!

I decided to pause and talk to God. I shared to Him what happened and what went wrong. I knew that even before I made the mistake, He already knew it would happen. And because I know that He is sovereign, it was really easy for me to talk and listen to Him. After doing so, I decided to tell mom the truth and admit my mistake. I told her how I failed to use the avocados well and that I wanted to pay for the avocados that I wasted. I knew I had to learn from my mistake. What happened next caused my heart to melt. Mom said “It’s okay, anak. You don’t have to pay for the avocados.”
Such grace! At that time, I actually did not have extra money to pay for it and it was really just God’s grace that mom decided to pay for the avocados still.

When I asked God why He allowed me to fail at that moment, I heard an answer from Him that I did not expect. “You ask me why, Nic? Because it’s cool to fail.” He said.
“WHAT? Lord? How can it be cool to fail?” I said. Then, throughout our conversation, He made me realize the following:
1. He uses our “fail moments” to bring us closer to Him.
The moment that I had with God after failing with my avocado smoothie was really a blessing to me. I got to know Him more as I read His word again and listened to some Christian Contemporary songs that helped me focus more on Him than on my mistake.
It says in Lamentations 3:22-23:
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness.”
“They are new every morning. New every morning. New every morning…” I decided to replace those negative thoughts in my head with His Word and it was really encouraging.

2. He uses our “fail moments” to help us improve ourselves for His glory.
“You failed! It was awesome!”
“A toast for his brilliant failure, may it lead to success in the future.”
“From failing, you learn. From success, not so much.”
Are these quotes familiar? These were taken from one of my favorite movies: MEET THE ROBINSONS! :) It was encouraging to see in the movie how it was okay to fail as long as you learn from your past mistakes, make improvements, and keep on doing your best as you move forward.

It’s cool to improve ourselves, but personally, more than that, I’m learning to improve for God and not for my own glory. :)
1 Corinthians 10:31
“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
“Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”
-Henry Ford
Because I failed while I was making my avocado smoothie, I now know how crucial it is to cut the avocados only when it is the right time. I also learned how it is important to ask others who are more skilled in that area before I experiment because they can definitely help me be more efficient and effective. Lastly, I learned to honor God even in the way I use the money, time, energy, and other resources that He has given me.

3. He uses our “fail moments” to humble us and show us that He is God.
When I was making the avocado smoothie, I remember thinking that I knew what I was doing since I was able to make it before. God showed me the hint of pride in my heart that He did not want to see. Truly, it was a humbling experience. But, I am so grateful that despite my pride, God still is God. God is gracious, faithful, sovereign, and He will continue to love us just the same.
Matthew 23:12
For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
James 4:6
But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:
“God opposes the proud, but shows favor to the humble.”

4. He uses our “fail moments” to encourage us to persevere and focus on Him… even if we may fail again and again.
Last night, I decided to try making the avocado smoothie again, but this time, I waited longer than I did before. I cut them only when they were ripe and ready. There were also moments when the taste of the bland, avocado fruit “haunted my tongue”. I didn’t feel like continuing the process because I was afraid to fail again. I didn’t want to make another bitter dessert.
However, by God’s grace, I was able to make a yummy avocado smoothie! Last night, it was really sweet, creamy, and refreshing. I loved it!

1 Chronicles 16:11
“Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually.”
“Supposing you have tried and failed again and again. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call “failure” is not the falling down, but the staying down.”
-Mary Pickford
“Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
-Samuel Beckett

While I was enjoying my yummy, chilled, creamy avocado smoothie, I remember telling God: “Wow Lord! It definitely is COOL to FAIL! Thank You for encouraging me to just keep on doing my best for You! Even when I experience failure in making an avocado smoothie, in cooking/baking, in my career, in relationships, in my personal walk with You, or in other things, I am reminded to get back up and try again. Your mercies are new every morning. You will forever be faithful and gracious. Thank You.” :)

2 ripe avocados
1/4 cup fresh milk
3-4 tablespoons of white sugar/honey
1 tsp. vanilla extract (optional)
10 pcs. ice cubes (size: 2×1)
*You can adjust the amounts of milk and sugar (depending on your preferred taste)
1. Cut each avocado in half and remove the seed. Carefully scoop out the avocado meat and cut into large cubes.
2. Using a blender, combine the avocados, sugar/honey, milk and vanilla extract until well-mixed and creamy. Add the ice cubes and blend.
3. Serve in a glass. Enjoy!
1. Ripe avocado meat can EASILY be removed from the skin.
2. Unripe avocados are really bitter. You will know if an avocado is ripe if you gently press on the shoulder part (top part) of the avocado and feel dents (after pressing) or feel that it is soft. Of course, the whole avocado must also have the same feel. It must not be firm or too mushy.
3. Try to remove brown spots or veins in your avocados. These contribute to the bitter taste.

Encourage yourself one treat at a time! :)
COLIE! Can I share? Haha. Naalala ko lang yung sinabi ng prof namin. I’ve been reviewing for the boards kasi and a lot of us have been getting less-than-encouraging scores on our comprehensive exams. And I remember one of our profs told us that we shouldn’t get so downhearted because mistakes are our friends and that they help us learn. Wala lang. :)) I also find that I learn best from mistakes so, yeah, I agree with this blog ;) IT’S COOL TO FAIL :D And I love the Meet The Robinsons quotes! :) Good job on this post, IT’S SO YOU! I can almost hear you talking as I read :)) I remember also how we used to buy avocado con hielo from the canteen haha. MISS YOU!!! Hope you’re doing okay. God bless always ;) <3 Liaguana
Oh my goodness. LEO ROY!!! I MISS YOU! :| Hahahaha. Anyway, GRABE. I just want to say HELLO TO THE PERSON WHO CREATED MY FIRST BLOG ( Wahahaha! I think I deleted it na :/ ). Anyway, hi Lia. :)) As you can see, Encouraging Treats also has a fuchsia background color. :| Just like my old one… with the Mickey Mouse header :)) <3 Haha. Love it!
I'm doing good naman. I guess. Haha. :) Thanks for sharing!! I really appreciate it. It's so nice to hear from you. Some of my friends are actually tempted to worry din because of the boards. Tapos they review everyday pa... with hundreds of questions and stuff. :)) Di ko ata kaya mag-nursing/med. I salute you guys! :P Hehe. And yes, failures/mistakes are our friends!
Kaya mo yan, Lia! Sabi nga ni Anonymous (haha), "Excellence is not being the best. It's doing your best." I know that you will continue to do your best. :P God knows the deepest desires of your heart too. What's cool about Him is that He CAN DO ANYTHING. So, go lang ng go! :) I'll be praying for you and my other nursing buddies! God bless!!
P.S. I don't see your momma in the green car anymore. :( Wahahaha! Our first single. :)) Feeling singers pala. :P
Nicole, I wanna cry!! A very timely blog. I’m sooo encouraged by it. I’ll be taking “again” the board exam and alam mu na… I’m kinda going through mixed negative feelings kahit na start pa lang ng review. Yet I praise God for you. Thank you for sharing this. Pls do include me in your prayers. Miss yah! :)
Awww, Barbs! Siyempre, pagppray kita! :) Sakto timing. Si God talaga yun. hehe. Kaya mo yan. Continue to do your best. :) In control si God. >:D< miss you too! Hindi ako nakasama sa hangout with sina enzo nung Sunday eh. Boo. Balita ko humabol ka raw dun. Hahaha. See you around!
all i can say is WOW!! sobrang galing lang.. love it Nicole! Praise God for you!! You’re a blessing to me!
Galing ni God! :) Thanks, Jaja!
This is making me crave for Avocado shake! So encouraged as well. :)
Love the post! But I love the author more. :D
Hahaha! Love you, Jill! :)
Wow Nix! :)
This is such an inspiring blog! I love how you input the concept of food and the words of God in a very encouraging blog. Keep this up! :) God is blessing you right now. And me too! Thanks to you, I was able to reflect my spiritual side with your yummy recipes! I WILL SUBSCRIBE! Next issue please! :D
Krikri! you will forever be cute, my first second year seatmate!!! :) hahaha. Thank you! God is good.
YOU ARE A MASSIVE BLESSING, Nicole!! Well done, dear and thank God for using your simple, quick and tempting avocado smoothie to remind us of God’s grace and power in using our mistakes/failure to grow us spiritually. I remember those days, meeting you and others at St. Paul’s for training on Project School look at you now – A MASSIVE BLESSING :-) Thank you for your encouraging treat!! Look forward to having/reading more of it, hun. – Ate Tina xxx
Ate Tina!! :) I remember our St. Paul project school days. Haha. A.k.a. Nene days. :D Praise God for you too! Thank you too! God bless you and Mr. Fox. :P
Hey, Nicole! Saw the link to your blog in FB. I have to say, I love the concept of this blog. :) God really does speak to all of us in many ways. Even through the preparation and enjoyment of food! Keep on writing and sharing His insights! Praise God for you!
Hi, Tina! :) Thank you for the encouragement! :) Praise God!
Felt like I was reading one of the posts from my blog! Hahahaha! I love thiiiiiis, Ate Nicole. <3 Super praise, God. :) I'm exited to read mooore! Teehee
Hahaha! Cool. What’s your blog? :) Praise God!
Praise God for this, Nicole! I love how God uses all of our experiences to speak to us and you chronicle yours so well! Looking forward to reading more and being more blessed. :)
Hi, Angel! :) Weee! Praise God. I actually started sharing my “moments with God” to some people before via Facebook Groups. Hehe. But God somehow challenged me to share it to more people through blogging. I hope He can continue to use us to encourage others to know Him more. :) See you around!
Nicole! You honestly made me cry :)) This is a beautiful post. It is cool to fail because in our weakness, He is our strength. Keep posting entries like these. I was really blessed by it. Thanks for sharing! :)
Thanks for the encouragement, Patty! >:D< Only by God's grace.
This ooooone! ! :)
hey Nicole, this was an encouraging blog :) add to that the fact that i also love avocado shakes!!! :)
Hi Kat! :) Praise God. bagay talaga yung shake this summer. :P
I was looking up why my smoothie was so bitter and got a word on life. Thank you.