He is doughing a new thing! :)

A few days ago, one of my officemates randomly expressed his craving for Krispy Kreme doughnuts while we were working. Oh, it was such a heavenly thought! At that moment, I suddenly imagined the soft, sweet, original glazed Krispy Kreme doughnuts and how they always perfectly melt in the mouth. I wanted those doughnuts too! :)

Surprisingly, the next day, a former employee dropped by the office and gave our department boxes of Krispy Kreme doughnuts! ALRIGHT! Talk about perfect timing! I ate my share after I left the office and thanked God for an awesome treat. :)

Krispy Kreme and my Doughnut :)

That night, I couldn’t get the Krispy Kreme doughnut off of my mind. I decided to go online and read about the history of Krispy Kreme. As I was browsing through the different articles, I found recipes of glazed doughnuts. Some of those recipes even claimed that they have a similar recipe to Krispy Kreme’s. “This is interesting.” I thought to myself. “I’ll give it a try this weekend.”

I spent the whole Saturday night making the glazed doughnuts. It did take a long time because I had to let the dough rise thrice. But, don’t get me wrong, I had a blast preparing the doughnuts! :) I love working with dough. Also, the dough that I was able to make was soft, fluffy, and very easy to knead.

I learned a lot from making doughnuts that night, but there was one thing that struck me the most. The dough was not wasted. Why? You’ll find out in a while. :)

I kneaded the dough, rolled it on the table, and used my doughnut cutter to form the doughnuts.

After cutting eight doughnuts from the dough, I immediately gathered the excess dough and kneaded them together. I also took the doughnut holes and set them aside.

I repeated the process and produced four more doughnuts from the scrap dough.

And for the last time, I kneaded the scrap dough again and was able to form the last doughnut.

I cooked the doughnuts after letting them rise for an hour. Then, I poured the sweet, sugar glaze on them for more flavour.

I was telling God how amazed I was because He allowed me to make more doughnuts by kneading the excess (scrap) dough again and again. It was also interesting because instead of throwing the smaller circles away; I was able to make mini donuts out of them too!

Indeed, the dough was not wasted. The scrap dough was put together, restored, and used for a special purpose – to make more doughnuts. At that moment, God spoke to my heart and helped me realize the following:


Tons of them, actually. Sometimes, they even come in the form of mistakes, heartbreaks, insecurities, wrong decisions, sin, weaknesses, bitterness, regrets, and other undesirable things and moments that I experience.

But! Despite these things, I am reminded that…



The same God who restored the hearts of the people since the beginning of time is also able to restore us today no matter what we’ve done. He is the God who sees and uses the ‘scraps’ in us for our good and loves us just the same. He is the God who makes things new! :)

It says in Revelations 21:5

“He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”


At first, I wondered why God said: “Write this down…” in the verse above. But then, I realized that we need to write things down so we can remember them more. Sometimes, it’s so easy for us to forget who God is in our lives. As a result, we end up getting discouraged more, whenever we remember the scraps we have in our lives and the seemingly useless/worthless situations we go through. However, it is such a comfort to be reminded by God that we can trust in Him who makes all things new.

Earlier, I told you that I was able to read about the history of Krispy Kreme. Interestingly, I found out that Krispy Kreme is actually celebrating it’s 75th year this year! In the company’s website, you’ll see how they were able to learn from the mistakes and mediocre procedures that they had through the years. The company didn’t focus on those ‘unwanted situations’/scraps, but instead, they used them as their motivation for continuous improvement and growth.

It reminded me of this verse from the Bible:

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!

-Isaiah 43:13

In the verse, He could have said: “See, Nicole, YOU are doing a new thing!”, but He didn’t. It was a clear reminder for me that my focus should be on Him alone; not on the past; not on the scraps in my life… but on our God who restores — Our God who is “doughing” new things in our lives! :)

Encourage yourself one treat at a time!

*Recipe from: imadethat.com

When Prayers aren’t Answered Instantly

There’s something about baking from scratch that excites me. It helps me be more creative and personal; especially when I would customize the recipes I use (ingredients, design, etc.). Also, one of the things that I like about baking from scratch is that I am able to learn so much in the process, even if the results are uncertain and it would require more work. But, don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy baking using the instant mix products. In fact, when I was younger, one of the first desserts that I baked was Betty Crocker’s fudge brownies. The brownies were fudgy (obviously :P), moist, and very delicious!

A few days ago, I read the news that General Mills Philippines was going to stop getting more sales orders starting this September. According to Franz de la Fuente (a reporter for Business World), the company will only continue to sell until their supplies last. I couldn’t believe it! :( :( :( I love Betty Crocker and Pillsbury! (Honestly, I haven’t even tried Haagen-Dazs yet. Haha) Moreover, around 60 employees would be dismissed from the company. (Although the company did say that they would provide for packages and services for these employees.)

I was resting on the couch and reading the news article when God spoke to me. He said: “Hey, Nic! Do you remember those times when you would send your resume to General Mills Philippines? I remember seeing you get discouraged every time you didn’t get a reply from them.”

“Oh yeaaah. Oo nga noh, Lord!” I replied. “For several times, I applied online and I even went to their office once to give my resume.”

“Yes!” God confirmed.

“Oh wow! Now, I get it! You didn’t allow me to receive any reply from them because you already knew their situation. You knew that they would be halting their business operations soon. And I just realized that if I did get the job, it’s possible that I would also lose it by the end of this year.” I added.

“Exactly.” God whispered to me.

That very moment, I suddenly had the desire to support General Mills Philippines, buy Betty Crocker products, and bake using the instant mix products! During the weekend, I bought and baked instant brownie and blueberry muffins. It was so quick and easy to do! Everything was already measured. Moreover, even before I finished baking, I knew that they would taste great because they had been tried and tested. Unlike baking from scratch, I wouldn’t have to experiment with the recipe anymore. True enough, instantly, I was able to make moist and delicious brownies and blueberry muffins.

God used that moment to speak to me again. Similarly, I realized that whenever we ask something from God, we want our prayer requests to be answered immediately. We want to see the results now!

When I wasn’t getting any reply from General Mills Philippines a few months ago, I was tempted to get impatient and complain because it seemed like God wasn’t listening to me; He wasn’t answering my prayers immediately. However, at that time, God reassured me that He is always in control and that He always hears and understands me completely. And so, I surrendered my anxieties to God. :)

Now, I don’t know the people behind General Mills Philippines and I understand that this is a tough time for them. I also don’t know if they prayed and asked God to save their business or make them successful in their career. But, I do know one thing: Even if their prayers aren’t answered instantly, God still remains to be sovereign. He has always been and He always will be.

It amazes me how God continues to reassure me of His sovereignty in our lives, even through the simplest things like baking and a news article. I’m learning that sometimes, God doesn’t answer our prayers immediately because He wants to prepare us first. And, more importantly, I believe that He uses our waiting time as an opportunity for us to seek Him even more than what we’re praying for.

It may be tough at times, but I am comforted by the fact that our sovereign God is always in control. Our sovereign God knows everything and what’s cool about Him is that He knows the desires of our hearts more than we do.


Jeremiah 33:3 says “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

                Have you been praying for something for quite some time now and you still don’t have an answer from God? I’d like to encourage you to keep on doing your part, pray, read His word, and know Him more. :) There is hope in God. There really is. In God’s perfect time, according to His will, and only by His grace, I know that He will answer your prayers… maybe not always in the way that you would expect. But, afterwards, you might also realize that His answers, His ways, His thoughts are the BEST.


“Even when answers slowly unwind, it’s my heart I see You prepare.

I still believe in Your faithfulness.

I still believe in Your truth.

I still believe in Your Holy Word.

Even when I don’t see… I still believe.”

-Jeremy Camp’s “I Still Believe”

                As I end, I would just like to appreciate the company, General Mills Philippines, for bringing in some of the products that I love (Betty Crocker and Pillsbury). Thank you for giving us the opportunities to conveniently purchase those products and enjoy them. I pray that God would continue to give the people behind that company, wisdom and blessing in their future endeavors.


Encourage yourself one treat at a time.


*Disclaimer: I am not associated in any way with the company: General Mills Philippines. :) Thus, the content of this blog is composed of my reflections and opinions.


Family, for the support :D (Kuya, thanks for helping me edit and Ate, thanks for your USB. I will buy my own soon. hahaha)

God, for being so gracious. :)

Pretzels and Passions

One of the chefs in our company made pretzel bites in the office last week. Because of that, I was inspired to make soft, whole pretzels at home. I didn’t know why, but, I had a strong urge to bake that certain treat. Haha. I was excited because it was my first time to make them. :)

I remember thanking God for giving me time to bake pretzels. Honestly, last week, I tried my best to manage my time wisely. However, there were days when I wasn’t able to prioritize studying God’s word. Yes, I did read the Bible every day. However, I knew and felt that I missed out on the privilege of really learning more from meditating on His word during those times. I know that it is only by His grace that I am still able to bake/cook and blog. It is only by God’s grace. :)

Going back to the pretzels, I actually enjoyed making them, even though the process required a lot of work. The funny thing about it is that even if it took me 6 hours to prepare it (including taking photos, waiting for the dough to rise, and cleaning the kitchen) and was, in fact, tiring (with all the yeasting, rolling, boiling, and baking), I would still do it again and again if given the opportunities in the future. I guess it’s because of my passion and love for baking and cooking. :)

Making the pretzels was a comfort and a challenge at the same time. It was comforting because I liked kneading the soft and fluffy pretzel dough (it was softer than the pasta dough I recently made here: (https://encouragingtreats.com/homemade-pasta-dough/). However, it was a challenge too because the tricky part in the process was when I had to flatten the dough using a rolling pin and roll it again using my hands (to form a rope-like shape).

It was harder too because I stuffed the dough with bits of cheese and bacon before rolling it. There were times when I would see twists and holes (in the dough) which eventually resulted to pieces of uneven rope-like pretzel dough.

I then remembered what Alton Brown said in one of his Good Eats episodes (“Pretzel Logic”): “Now, if you start to see a twist formed right into the middle of the dough while you’re rolling it, know that you do not have your hands coordinated, and that twist could become a breakpoint when baked.”

While I was fixing the dough, God spoke to my heart and helped me see that in the same way: If I do not coordinate with Him; if I choose not to follow Him when I make decisions, etc., it is possible that I would eventually have twists and holes (possibly mistakes, problems, insecurities, compromises, etc.) in my life that can become my breakpoints — especially, when I would go through really tough and uncomfortable times.

By God’s grace, I was able to fix the pretzel dough with some of the excess dough that I had. I have to admit that it was frustrating to fix the dough. :/

But, I guess, God allowed me to experience it because He used it to remind me of His grace. He showed me that even if I did have or do have twists and holes in my life, He still has a purpose for me and He still is able to use me for His glory. Hope, definitely, is found in Him.

When the pieces of dough were already fixed, I took a piece and shaped it into the famous pretzel knot shape. I did it again, but, with the other pieces of pretzel dough. I really was fascinated by their interesting shape. And it was really cool because I noticed how the pretzel’s shape showed these two things: the shape of a heart and the symbol for infinity. Instantly, I knew what God was trying to tell me; why He wanted me to bake the whole pretzels.

If you were able to read my previous blog post (https://encouragingtreats.com/celebrating-strawberry-cake/), you would remember how God gave me my first job offer on June 8, 2012 (in the afternoon). It was also during that day that He encouraged me through His word (in the morning) to seek Him first above everything and place my security only on Him… not on the things that are temporary (including my desire to have a job at that time) – the things of this world.

Although I didn’t know that God was going to give me a job offer that day, it was such a perfect and comforting reminder for me to desire Him more than anything or anyone else. And at that moment, I actually surrendered my future job to the Lord. By His grace, I got the job by the end of the day and started working last Monday. 

After going through my first week at work, God encouraged me again… but, this time, through the pretzels. The heart and the symbol for infinity actually are gentle reminders for me to remember that God is the everlasting God and His love for us never changes; it never fails.

I thank God because even if we sometimes fail to prioritize Him, He still loves us the same. I praise Him because He gives us the opportunities to try again and do our best in loving Him more than anything.

                I recently declared that I have a passion for baking and cooking. But, I am reminded that even these good things will fade away someday. And so, it is my prayer that I would always choose to set my heart on things above (Colossians 3:2) and live life not for my own, but for my God — my One consuming passion.

Psalm 73:25-26

    Whom have I in heaven but you?

        And earth has nothing I desire besides you.

    My flesh and my heart may fail,

        but God is the strength of my heart

        and my portion forever.

*Other posts that include homemade dough:

1. Pizza (Thank God I Got Stuck) – https://encouragingtreats.com/god-stuck/

2. Pasta (Dough Not Give Up) – https://encouragingtreats.com/homemade-pasta-dough/


Encourage yourself one treat at a time. :)

Recipe by: Edward Lee (from www.epicurious.com; October 2009)

So, You’re Insecure?

A few days ago, my mom handed me a bunch of overripe bananas. Instead of throwing them away, she wanted me to do something useful with them. When I saw the bananas, my instant thought was “Eew… Mushy, slimy, almost rotten stuff. -_-” However, as I examined them more, I noticed that they were still edible and slightly firm.  So, I decided to give them a try and make banana muffins.

mashed overripe bananas

As I was searching for a nice recipe online, I saw photos about muffins. And to my surprise, it was the first time that I encountered this statement in my life:

“Muffins are just ugly cupcakes.”


In the photo, we can see how some find cupcakes to be more desirable than muffins, maybe because of the texture or the frosting. But, even in this simple idea, we can see how natural it is for us to compare things, ourselves, or even the people around us.

banana muffin

Even though it seemed like it was more fun to bake cupcakes, I still proceeded to make a batch of muffins that day. While I was making banana muffins, God reminded me of three things:


I first removed the banana peels and other dark spots on the bananas before mashing them in a bowl. The bananas did not look appealing, but, they were the PERFECT ones to use for the recipe because of their natural sweetness and soft texture.

It was so easy for me to look at the appearance of the overripe bananas and show disgust when I first saw them. In the same way, God reminded me of how I’m easily concerned with how I look, what my status/lifestyle is, how much money I have, and other things that last only for a moment. He also reminded me of those times when I’d be insecure. Sadly, I would tend to compare myself to others and choose not to be grateful and satisfied with how He made me and with what He has given me.


However, I thank God for His encouragement through His word:

“But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.””

-1 Samuel 16:7

“Anytime we look for fulfillment or happiness in anyone or anything other than God, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment.” –Nancy deMoss


While I was baking the banana muffin batter, I began to appreciate the overripe bananas even more. The sweet smell of the vanilla extract and bananas filled the air and I found myself enjoying it.  Once the banana muffins were done in the oven, I immediately placed them in a wire rack to cool down.

But then, I remembered a tip that Alton Brown shared in one of his Good Eats episodes. He suggested that the muffins must be cooled upside down on a thin towel for better volume. I tried doing it and was amazed by what I saw. The muffins looked like they were bowing down. They didn’t look “insecure”. They looked humble.

Humble Muffins

God spoke to my heart and reminded me that being insecure and being proud are inseparable.  I’ve had (and still have) my share of insecurities. But, by His grace, He continues to encourage me to see myself and my situations through His eyes. In the process of doing so, I realize that I shouldn’t be insecure because I know that God loves me and He would only want what’s best for me.

Our security is none other than God Himself. –Pastor Peter Tan-Chi

“Rest in what God thinks about you. He loves you. How do you know He loves you? Remember what Christ did for you on the cross.” –Pastor Vince Burke

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

-Romans 8:28

God works for the good. God loves us. God made us the way we are because He loves us. He is our Ultimate Security. :)



After cooling the muffins, I decided to put the finishing touches. :) I invited my eldest sister to help out and we started working on one muffin at a time. It was fun! We ended up using different toppings on half of the batch of baked banana muffins.

By God’s grace, they all looked so nice and yummy. And I thought to myself, “These muffins aren’t ugly. Haha.” :)

Some say that the difference between a cupcake and a muffin is the frosting that cupcakes have. But, according to Alton Brown, the difference is in the mixing method. In making cakes, the butter and sugar are creamed first until fluffy; eggs are added; and finally, the dry ingredients are incorporated. On the other hand, in making muffins, the dry ingredients are combined; the wet ingredients are combined; and then both wet and dry ingredients are mixed together.

In the same way, God showed me that He also uses different methods in our lives. He had a purpose in mind when He made each of us and we just have to continue trusting in His goodness and faithfulness in our lives.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

-Jeremiah 29:11

“You Were Meant To Be Touching
The Lives That You Touch
And Meant To Be Here
Making This World So Much More
Than It Would Be Without You In It”

-Steven Curtis Chapman’s “Meant To Be”

The day before I made banana muffins, I was struggling with insecurities again. But, God knows exactly how and when to encourage us. Thank You, Lord!

I pray that we may continue to find our security in Him all the days of our lives. God bless you, guys!


Encourage yourself one treat at a time. :)



RECIPE: By Ina Garten


  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups sugar (I used 3/4 brown and 3/4 white sugar)
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 pound unsalted butter, melted and cooled
  • 2 extra-large eggs
  • 3/4 cup whole milk
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1 cup mashed ripe bananas (2 bananas)
  • 1 cup medium-diced ripe bananas (1 banana)
  • 1 cup small-diced almond nuts


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Line 18 large muffin cups with paper liners.

3. Sift the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt into a bowl.

4. Combine the butter, eggs, milk, vanilla, and mashed bananas, and add them to the flour-and-butter mixture. Combine well, but don’t overmix.

5. Fold the diced bananas and nuts into the batter. Spoon the batter into the paper liners, filling each 1 to the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the tops are brown and a toothpick comes out clean.

6. Cool slightly, remove from the pan, and serve.


*By the way, if you want to read more about cupcakes, you can go to this link: https://encouragingtreats.com/free-cupcakes/ :)

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My name is Nicole Obligacion and I started this blog because I was inspired by Hebrews 10:24 and Hebrews 3:13. I love to eat, cook, bake, read the Bible, and encourage. :)

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